Friday, November 26, 2010

A Book A Week

Since I just recommended these books to one of my sisters, I thought I'd share or jog your memory about the Carl books, as they are known here at the castle.

Carl is a Rottweiler who takes his human family's baby on a whole bunch of adventures. For the most part, the Carl books don't have much in the way of a print story. The story is told through the very sweet illustrations of the author Alexandra Day.

Some of the Carl books come in board book too, perfect for little ones. I have too many favorite Carl books to list them all, but probably my absolute favorite would be "Carl Goes to Daycare", and a close second would be "Carl Goes Shopping".

I wish I had a Carl around some days, well make that most days.

Age appropriate for all!!

1 comment:

Bird said...

We love the Carl books over here! you gave us a good tip! So far we've found Carl's Snowy Afternoon (a big hit with all the white stuff we have) and Follow Carl, which was ok but the pictures were stunning. Great recommendation!