Thursday, October 07, 2010

Happy Birthday Mr. F!!

{One day old, in the doll house.}

Can you believe it was only one year ago that my castle was turned into a cat maternity ward?? Well, I guess technically it was the abandoned doll house in the garage, but still they had to move in where it was warm, right? Looking back, I can't believe we did that, not that I felt I had a choice with those three sets of royal eyes begging, "please" with all their hearts and souls. And if I am completely (painfully) honest, it did melt my heart to see that pile of kitten babies in the living room of that tiny house.

Ironically all the kittens were adopted by women who share my first name. Coincidence . . . I think not. :) And they left our house in sets of two. Just lonely Mr. F was left, what were we to do? {grin}

Happy Birthday Fergus! Hairbinders and pairs of baby socks balled together make your life the happiest. So tonight, I'll leave a pair of the Prince's socks out for you, on purpose.

{Two weeks old, eyes barely open.}

{One month old, ready to explore.}

{The white tiger, with his bcf, Buzzy.}

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