Monday, September 13, 2010

Never Thought I'd Say . . .

. . . please don't take the dictionary into the bathroom, pretty please. Especially to Princess #2. But I just did. Woot!

I love that my letting go of what I thought her reading level should be, and letting her learn to love to read at her own pace, has reaped the sweet reward of a girl who wants to read. Not only wants to read, but loves to read!

I am still coming to terms with the fact that she is {for the most part} completely NOT interested in books her older sister loved, by focusing on the positive--I have justification now to buy more books!!

I am reminded of a verse, "He has made everything beautiful in His time." {Ecc. 3:11} Teaching my kids can feel like an exercise in futility, but will ultimately be beautiful. Not in my time and not with fabulous innovative teaching methods and curriculum {although they may help this mama get a mental boost}, but when God is good and ready.


1 comment:

Bird said...

That sounds like a hard lesson to learn. I'm glad that she is liking to read!