Thursday, March 27, 2008


This morning was pure bliss. I got up at my normal time (just slightly after the crack of dawn) and it was quiet--really quiet. No singing from the other room while waiting for it to be dawn (when they are allowed up), no lights clicking on from the early sneaky reader (princess #1), even the dog was quiet (he's usually snoring). It was heaven. It felt like I was the only person in the house which was lovely and extremely rare. (Being a stay-home mama and a homeschooling mama to boot doesn't lead to much time alone in one's house . . . go figure!)
I don't know what each of you need to recharge, but for me it's solitude and even more so quiet solitude or solitude with noise of my choice. That's why this morning was such a treat. Even though my solitude only lasted for about 30 minutes (I know-like eternity, huh??), it made facing the day so much more bearable.
And now it's almost rest time. Notice I didn't call it "quiet" time because it's not. Oh the kids are quiet (as in no screaming/talking/singing, etc.), but I can still hear the occasional thump or the patter of footsteps or the incessant foot tapping that my oldest does while reading, that remind me that I'm not alone! But I'll take it.
Wishes for a restful day to each of you readers. . .

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