Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Nine Months!

As is my tradition on this blog, here is the latest and greatest about the Prince as he reaches his 9th month:

. . . has 7 teeth, number 8 should be with us shortly.
. . . wears size 3 or 4 diapers.
. . . wears 12-24 month size clothes and size 15-18 month size shoes.
. . . crawls everywhere, very quickly, very stealthily.

. . . craves the excited squeal that he gets after getting into a sister's stuff.

. . . snorts like a pig.
. . . loves to snort like a pig at the dinner table and then pauses for his people to laugh.

. . . loves to sniff.very.loudly.and.often.
. . . plays with Mama's hair very gently, especially after naps.

. . . loves to be outside.
. . . pulls up to standing on anything that will stay still long enough.

. . . is obsessed with Jackson's (the doxi-beagle) tags. Sorry Jack.
. . . cruises along the furniture or bath tub or anything else that is long enough.
. . . love, love, loves his sisters.

. . . love, love, loves his mama and daddy.

. . . and they all love, love, love him too!

Monday, November 09, 2009


Princess #1: Mama, would you just drop us off instead of coming in too?

Queen: long silent pause

Princess #1 (hurriedly interrupting long silent pause): It's not that I'm embarrassed by you or anything, it's just so much faster if you just drop us off.

Good thing she clarified, else I might have been forced to come in just on account of needing to do my "motherly" duty and embarrass my child simply by existing. :)

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Happiness Is . . .

. . . having daughters who totally dig the fact that you knit. And in fact, will find something that has been knit in a catalog and ask if you will make it for them.In their specified colors.Starting as soon as possible. Because they love what you make them. And because they love what you make them, you want to make what they want!!

{Next up: Felted iPod cozy for Princess #1. Can't wait to start in on it!!}

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Good Medicine

Do you know the Proverb that says, "A cheerful heart is good medicine."? If you need a dose of happiness please feel free to watch this little video as often as you need. I know it gets me smiling every time I do. There is something irresistible about a good baby belly laugh!!

Monday, November 02, 2009


A real life conversation taken from real life at the castle.

Queen: Okay, tell my why you've been crying.

Princess #2: Princess #1 punched me in the nose.

Queen: Why did she punch you in the nose?

Princess #2: I don't know, I guess she was mad at me.

Queen: (thinking to herself: you think?), instead saying:
Why did you punch your sister in the nose?

Princess #1: I didn't know that I would hit her in the nose.